Topic Name Description
Session 1 resources URL CLD SC Competent Practitioner Framework
URL Values Jamboard Activity
URL Steven Katz Imposter Syndrome video
URL How great leaders inspire action - Simon Sinek
URL CLD Planning for Change - A Review of Community Learning and Development Plans in Scotland 2018 - 21
URL Working with Scotland's Communities (2018) - CLD Workforce Survey
URL Improving life chances and empowering communities, Community learning and development in Scotland: Findings from inspection evidence 2016-19, January 2020
URL CLD Review webpage
URL Slack and I-develop demo
File Session 1 - Bridging Task
URL Growing the Learning Culture
URL Growing the Learning Culture - diagram
File Session 1 PowerPoint
File Catching Confidence and Expectations Menti results
Session 2 resources File Leading CLD through coaching - Mandy Toogood
URL Coaching in a Thinking Environment with Linda Aspey and Coaching Club TV
URL Otto Scharmer on the four levels of listening – YouTube
URL The 21st Century Public Servant
URL Strategic guidance for community planning partnerships: community learning and development
URL The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013: Guidance for Local Authorities
URL The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013
URL Community Learning and Development Plans 2021 – 2024
URL Scotland’s National Performance Framework
URL Social Intelligence & Leadership video
URL Emotional Intelligence Test
URL History of CLD in 5 minutes video
URL Review of Career Pathways for CLD June 2020
URL Working with Scotland's Communities
URL Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 - summary
File Confident Team Leader Resource
URL Sustainable Development Goals
File Cohort 3 - Bridging Task 2 - The 21st Century Public Servant
URL Find My Purpose workbook
File Marion Allison CLDSC input
File Day two slides including review session
URL Jamboard session two
URL Taming your advice monster video
File Coaching input part 2
File Coaching input part 1
Session 3 resources File Session 3 Bridging Task
File Managing and Leading in Inter Agency settings slides
File Session 3 - Leading CLD PowerPoint
URL Padlet - Managing and Leading in Interagency settings 2024
URL CLD Talks Podcast - Kate Still, CLD Independent Reviewer
URL Questions for Session 4 Jamboard
URL Coaching in Education Ed Scot online resource
Folder Bridging task PPT.s
Session 4 resources URL Peer Evaluation Toolkit
URL Learning, Evaluation and Planning
URL Next steps reflections Padlet
URL Competent Practitioner Leadership padlet
File Session 4 slides
URL Marie Dailly Leadership input
URL Mark Meechan leadership input
File HMIE presentation
URL Inspection input part 1
URL Inspection input part 2
URL Dominique-Carlisle Kitz input
Resources & further reading URL 10 quotes to inspire learning leaders
URL Influencing Change: CLD in Scotland, 2001 - 2015
URL Leadership Vs. management: the 5 Main Differences
URL Management & Leadership (NOS) Instructus Skills
URL Harvard Business Review – The real value of middle managers
URL The influence of effective leadership on teaching
URL Working with Scotland's Communities 2018 CLDSC report
URL Managing and Leading in Inter-Agency Settings
URL Partnership working: Policy and practice
URL Effectiveness of Welfare Organizations: The Contribution of Leadership Styles, Staff Cohesion, and Worker Empowerment
URL Leadership & facilitation programme
URL Introduction to collective leadership
URL Collective leadership practice: Where to start
URL The Dawn of System Leadership article
Folder Management and Leadership National Occupational Standards 2021

PDFs of all Management and Leadership National Occupational Standards which were reviewed in 2021.  To check for latest updates, visit the NOS Database

URL CLD related National Occupational Standards

NOS for Adult Learning, Community Development, Family Learning and Youth Work.  Also here are NOS for Career Guidance and Learning & Development.