In this section you can find various resources, including questionnaires, articles and links which will help you to develop your capacity to motivate and lead others.
This Open Learn (Open University) module covers a range of key topics designed to help the learner to think broadly about how we go about making decisions, and aims to help the learner develop a greater insight into both our own decision making processes and the processes others employ.
Author Steve Macaulay of the Cranfield University School of Management (USA) discusses the characteristics of successful role models and modelling.
Eric Booth, a leading expressive arts and education consultant from the USA, speaks up the ‘creative potential’ behind the Curriculum for Excellence at a Good Practice Conference organised by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Education (HMIE), Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS) and the Scottish Arts Council (SAC) in November 2009.
Success in management requires interpersonal skills to understand and be able to deal effectively with other people.
In this article experimental psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan discuss their work – described by Dan Pink as "an absolute treasure trove of research on human motivation"
In this article, the discussion is broken down into bite-sized chunks, with lots of links to other complementary reading on the site.
The National Standards for Community Engagement set out best practice guidance for engagement between communities and public agencies.
In 2010 Perth and Kinross Council’s Education and Children’s Services wanted to improve its planning and evaluation processes within its CLD teams. The Service initiated the 5.10 project whose planned outputs included a toolkit for practitioners and a peer led training programme. As part of the toolkit 'The LEAP Game' was a resource created as a way of supporting staff to increase their understanding of the relationship between outputs, outcomes and outcome indicators.
Perth and Kinross Council’s Education and Children’s Services initiated the 5.10 project whose planned outputs included a toolkit for practitioners and a peer led training programme. As part of the toolkit 'The LEAP Game' was a resource created as a way of supporting staff to increase their understanding of the relationship between outputs, outcomes and outcome indicators.
This DIY Toolkit has been specially designed for development practitioners to invent, adopt or adapt ideas that can deliver better results