Employers' Role
A number of employers provide a commentary on what they see as the importance of CPD in developing an effective workforce across the CLD sector.
Carol Downie, Chief Executive of Youth Scotland, identified that within the organisation the first rung on the ladder into a career in youth work was missing for a lot of young people, sessional youth workers and volunteers. Youth Scotland has developed a series of creative solutions to address this gap.
In this video we ask Jim Sweeney (Youthlink) and Christina Pollock (North Lanarkshire Council) "how do you see CPD operating in the future?".
In this video, employers tell us about the CPD that they have personally been involved in.
In this video, we asked Helen Scammell (GCVS) and John McCann (Scotland's Colleges) "with competing priorities, where does CPD come in your list?".
In this video, Helen Scammell of Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector talks about the employers' role in promoting CPD across the CLD sector.
In this video, David Anderson (South Ayrshire Council) and Jim Sweeney (Youthlink) describe how they would sell CPD to other employers.