Enrolment options

Digitally Agile CLD - the National Principles

This short course takes place over four weeks following an introductory face to face session and brings together people interested in developing the use of digital technologies and social media from across Scotland

The course takes the form of discussion threads about each of the nine Principles:

·         Practice

“Our practice will be supported and enhanced through the effective use of digital technology and social media”.

·         Policy

“Digital technology and social media will be embedded in our policy development and planning”.

·         Professional Guidelines

“Our professional guidelines for the use of digital technology and social media will be robust, transparent, and relevant”.

·         Resource

“We will maximise the use of digital resources to deliver better outcomes for stakeholders and explore investment opportunities that enhance provision”

·         Inclusion

“Our use of digital technology and social media will be accessible and inclusive, driven by the needs of all learners and communities”.

·         Evaluation

“We will evaluate the impact of digital technology and social media on practice and use them as tools to enhance evaluation processes”.

·         Digital Literacy

“Our organisation will promote digital literacy with individuals, groups and communities”.

·         Learning and Development

“Our staff and volunteers will be encouraged and supported to keep their skills and knowledge current so they can embrace and promote the opportunities presented through digital technology and social media”.

·         Co-production

“We will utilise digital technology and social media to enhance the involvement of individuals, groups and communities in the development of our services and activities”.

The course includes the option to gain either a Certificate in Digital Planning (Personal Development) or a Certificate in Digital Planning (Service Development) based on the completion of a self evaluation tool developed by YouthLink Scotland.

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