• This section provides resources to help you as you enter a new role in CLD or as you shift into a different role.
    • Job shadowing is a career exploration activity that offers an opportunity to spend time with a professional currently working in a person’s career field of interest.
    • Coaching has been defined as

      1. the processes of encouraging the individual to improve both job skills and knowledge (Hahne & Schultze, 1996)
      2. being able to assist in problem solving or mastering new skills (Bittel & Newstrom, 1996)
      3. the process of providing others with valuable information so that the organization learns (Schon, 1983).
    • Coaching and mentoring are development techniques based on the use of one-to-one discussions to enhance an individual’s skills, knowledge or work performance. (Registration required)
    • Overview from The Free Management Library