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Statistics and Stories

Statistics and stories - workshop sessions built around nine questions we should all be asking ourselves.

Site: i-develop learning for cld
Course: Quality & Continuous Improvement
Book: Statistics and Stories
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 6:37 AM


The CPD Programme, Statistics and Stories, came out of a project funded by the Community Learning and Development Managers (CLDMS) network. It was funded by Education Scotland. Using an action research process, Sue Briggs and Karen McArdle explored the views of CLD practitioners about gathering the evidence of impact of professional practice. We used focus groups across Scotland to gather our own evidence and this evidence of ours formed the basis of the programme called Statistics and Stories. The process we used in the research was to pose a series of questions about evidence gathering and this process raised confidence of our participants, so we have adapted this process for Statistics and Stories here on i-develop. We hope you enjoy exploring this process with us.

Q1. Why does gathering evidence matter?

Q2. What is evidence?

Q3. Who gathers evidence?

Q4. How do you go about gathering evidence?

Q5. What is the best evidence you have gathered?

Q6. Why was it the best?

Q7. How did you get it?

Q8. What happens to the evidence?

Q9. What would be useful to people in gathering evidence?

Overview Delving Deeper

Delving Deeper 1

Delving Deeper 2

Delving Deeper 3

Delving Deeper 4

Delving Deeper 5

Delving Deeper 6

Delving Deeper 7