- FL01 Monitor and evaluate the impact of trends and developments in Family Learning.pdf
- FL02 Promote a culture that values diversity and difference.pdf
- FL03 Take responsibility for the safety and security of participants, staff and environments.pdf
- FL04 Provide physical equipment, resources and surroundings that meet participants needs.pdf
- FL05 Build and maintain effective relationships with participants.pdf
- FL06 Build and maintain relationships with the wider community.pdf
- FL07 Recruit participants onto Family Learning.pdf
- FL08 Work with families who find services difficult to access.pdf
- FL09 Provide publicity and information about Family Learning programmes.pdf
- FL10 Enable access to future learning and development opportunities.pdf
- FL11 Help to safeguard those in need or at risk of harm.pdf
- FL12 Communicate and liaise effectively with other agencies or sectors.pdf
- FL13 Establish quality procedures in your area of responsibility for Family Learning.pdf
- FL14 Monitor and review the learning environment in promoting inclusion.pdf
- FL15 Reflect on and update own knowledge and practice.pdf