Attracting Males to Family Learning Provision

Attracting Males to Family Learning Provision

by Catriona McNicoll -
Number of replies: 6

hi everyone

A few family learning workers with Dundee City Council are involved in an improvement project to look at attracting more males into our family learning provision. It would great to hear about groups/activities you run that dads, grand dads, uncles etc attend and what ideas you have in general. Look forward to reading your responses.

In reply to Catriona McNicoll

Re: Attracting Males to Family Learning Provision

by Beverley Gibb -

Hi there

I know that there is a project run in Forfar by Just Play which is targeted towards dads. I am not fully up to speed on it but I can get contact details for you.

In reply to Catriona McNicoll

Re: Attracting Males to Family Learning Provision

by Beverley Gibb -
In reply to Beverley Gibb

Re: Attracting Males to Family Learning Provision

by Catriona McNicoll -

Thanks Beverly for the link. Much appreciated and is full of useful information.

In reply to Catriona McNicoll

Re: Attracting Males to Family Learning Provision

by Alan Fraser -

Hi Catriona

Here are a couple of interesting documents.

Where's Dad ? is really interesting from the point of view of trying to get Dad's to participate.

In reply to Alan Fraser

Re: Attracting Males to Family Learning Provision

by Catriona McNicoll -

Thanks Alan.

I will give these a read. We are still  at the research stage and are away to try out weekend activities for dads by end of December.