CLD Modern Apprentices

CLD Modern Apprentices

by Sue Holland-smith -
Number of replies: 8

We currently have 2 Modern Apprenticeships in Youth Work in Dundee City Council. I am wondering if anyone has employed Modern Apprentices in CLD, other than Youth Work?

In reply to Sue Holland-smith

Re: CLD Modern Apprentices

by Kathleen cummings -

I am unsure of an answer to this directly relating to employers but I wondered if you might find out some information on possible placements that are available with Dundee and Angus College??

I am a SVQ Development office in the care team and have different MA's that are funded through SDS (obviously this is age restricted) in different care sectors who are employed with different organisations and then supported through their SVQ by ourselves.

I wondered if this was an area you may wish to look into? So while it is doesn't answer your question directly it may be an option for future? 

Apologies if it is completely off what you need.


In reply to Kathleen cummings

Re: CLD Modern Apprentices

by Sue Holland-smith -

hi Katie,

 thanks for the suggestion. Which MA framework do you use, and which SVQ?

 We are currently investigating the possibility of a Creative and Digital Media MA through Young Scot, but will continue to look into other options.

best wishes



In reply to Sue Holland-smith

Re: CLD Modern Apprentices

by Kathleen cummings -

Hi Sue

I have contacted our department that deals with SDS funded MA's to see if there is any partnership working that can be initiated, as that isn't my role.

I deliver SVQ's in the Care Team but the college offers them in all areas and have SVQ development officers dedicated to each area of learning.

I hope to get back in touch with some more information when I hear back from the relevant person who deals with the contract of MA's.

Kind Regards


In reply to Sue Holland-smith

Re: CLD Modern Apprentices

by Liz Green -

Hi Sue,

You might be interested to know that the Youth Work SVQs have recently been reviewed and refreshed and the new MA framework based on them has been approved.

Anne Boyd and Laura Kincaid at SQA will have relevant details of when the new SVQs can start being used. It's worth checking if these meet your needs.

The other MA and SVQ you might look at is Community Development. The Community Development NOS were refreshed last year and there is some movement around reviewing the SVQs to follow this - contact Susie Bisset or Colin Ross at CLD Standards Council about this. As far as I am aware there is not currently a MA framework for Community Development based on the existing SVQs.

Re the Young Scot MA in Digital it's not based on the Youth Work NOS as far as I'm aware, but draws on other NOS in media. If might be worth a chat with Ross Martin at Fife Council as they currently have I think 5 MAs on the regular Youth Work Modern Apprenticeship and one MA with Young Scot so he could give you an insight into Apprentices' experiences and any comparisons between the two as a CLD employer.

I hope this is helpful.

Best wishes,

Liz Green

YouthLink Scotland

In reply to Liz Green

Re: CLD Modern Apprentices

by Kathleen cummings -

Hi Sue

I have the contact details for our department who deals with SDS funded MA's and he has been back in touch with me to pass on his details to you:-

Alan McKay

Contracts Officer

D&A College

01382 834925

I hope you can find out some useful information through this contact.

Kind Regards


In reply to Liz Green

Re: CLD Modern Apprentices

by Sue Holland-smith -

hi Liz

Yes, we were intersted in looking at Community Development, and I have spoken to Colin Ross about it. You are right , there is not an MA framework for CD, and this would need to come from demand from the field via the appropriate skills sector body. Colin is following this up, and the review of the CD SVQ.

I had a helpful meeting this week with Ross Martin and his MA Otto. It sounds like they are having a great experience through Young Scot. We are hoping to go down this route too.

thanks for your help


In reply to Sue Holland-smith

Re: CLD Modern Apprentices

by John Galt -

Hi folks

I've been linking with Colin on the CD SVQs and he got an update on this at the end of last week. It looks like City and Guilds are going to be contracted by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills to review the CD SVQs - and by extension look at the potential for CD MAs in Scotland. The person involved from the C&G team will be Sharon Frazer. More info to follow when we have it.

Colin and I are keen for this piece of work to be part of a wider review of the range and take-up of qualifications and accredited courses in community development available in Scotland, including those available to community volunteers and activists.