Programmes for long term unemployed men

Programmes for long term unemployed men

by Graham MacLellan -
Number of replies: 2

Hello all,

We are reviewing our community based adult learning provision in Inverclyde. We are looking for ideas from the field regarding some of the men we have in our employability programmes.

We have some  men aged 50+ in our Work Clubs who have been attending our sessions for some time now. They have built their skills in ICT and to look for work and although they still need support for more complex applications, can apply for jobs. The main issue is that they are lacking in confidence and are 'going through the motions' when applying for jobs partly to keep the DWP happy but they also have given up. Passing them on to other services is not an option as they have been to most other services in Inverclyde.


What are people doing around this? a course like STEPS to excellence but more focused on males could be a solution but we do not have the funds for this.


Graham MacLellan

Senior CLD Worker

Inverclyde Council

In reply to Graham MacLellan

Re: Programmes for long term unemployed men

by susan stewart -

Hi Graham, my colleague Jim Love 01505 335 873 has been running a very successful men's group, which started out by doing Steps to Excellence.  He'll be able to discuss what they have been doing as a group, and I'm sure he'll be happy to help.