Youth/ Family Participation Strategies

Youth/ Family Participation Strategies

by nicky maccrimmon -
Number of replies: 3


I'm looking for any strategies or pieces of good practice that have been developed around involving young people and/or families in service design and delivery?

Ideally looking for examples of ongoing participation and engagement structures rather than one off consultations but anything gratefully received.



In reply to nicky maccrimmon

Re: Youth/ Family Participation Strategies

by Norrie Tait -

Hi Nicky,

our response to the production of our CLD Plan was based on this process and indeed is on-going.

If you follow the link below for CLD Learning Community Plans you will see 9  plans. The 9 are based around the community of the High School catchment.

Hope this helps and if you want to get into the detail please contact me an I will send you my phone/email.


In reply to Norrie Tait

Re: Youth/ Family Participation Strategies

by Ceri Hunter -

Hi Nicky,

you might also want to look at the Champion's Board structures for Looked after young people, as they are about continuous engagement of young people in service design rather than just a consultative exercise.  I think about 8 or 10 authorities have champions' board now.



In reply to Ceri Hunter

Re: Youth/ Family Participation Strategies

by nicky maccrimmon -

Will have a look.

Thanks to you both, keep them coming though !!