Hi there I work for Aberdeenshire Council and have an interest in numeracy up to core skills level four. I am looking to develop a numeracy training course for some of our volunteers but wish to further develop my own competence in this area first. Does anyone know of any good courses for teaching numeracy? I have done some google searches but only come up with teacher training courses. Any help appreciated
I do not know of any Courses which will teach you about Math as of such unless you want to go back to College for that type of course. You can use the Khan Academy Portal to help with any Math that you do not know, which might help you for the short term. I use this site as a Homework helper for any of my Learners that have problems with Math and have a access to the Internet. Good materials as it is endorsed by Bill Gates. Have a look if you do not find a suitable course as like your Learners you just might need a refresh of your maths. The Site also covers other areas of Learning. Site was set up to help American High School students. It does it well Started on Youtube now has its own portal.
Hi Michael
Have a look at this link, there are numerous resources that are used by schools etc... and cover all topics:
You could also have a go at the National Numeracy Challenge, which assesses what level 'you' are at and suggests learning resources and highlights your weaker areas for you to brush up on. You can do the challenge at: https://www.nnchallenge.org.uk/home/index.html
(PSSSST - I only got a silver awared after taking the challenge).
Last year, I put our volunteer tutors through Int 2 Numeracy (equivalent to National 5) at our local college as part of their CPD. That was really worthwhile as 'we all' got a refresher in numeracy/maths skills (use it or lose it I'm afraid).
I was given a really good link to Education Scotland Core Skills Numeracy, which can be downloaded and printed. Intermediate 1 (equivalent to National/level 4 or the old standard grades) is at:
Intermediate 2 (National 5 equivalent) is interactive and is at:
For hard-copy resources, you could buy in the Liverpool College Resources (Flexi Packs), which are/were available for basic skills number work and English work.
Hope this is of use and good luck :-)
Chrissie Matthews
Adult Literacies Support Worker
I've maybe misunderstood your question - is it a case that it is not necessarily your own numeracy skills that you are unsure about - but more a case of developing your skills of assessing learners on their levels, how to explain/understand how learners learn and what steps you need to take to work through a problem, or even why learners aren't able to grasp a particular numerical concept?
Or have I misunderstood what you are looking for?
If you want to brush up your own maths skills, the Open University textbooks are very good, because they are designed to be self contained. You can buy second hand books here if you just want to work through the book without signing up for a course. I think the Introductory course is Y182 starting with maths.
I know the University of Loughbrough have previously run an online numeracy course and you can register your interest for future courses here:
If you are more interested in how you teach maths to learners and how teaching methods change over time, then I recommend Maths for Mums and Dads (Rob Eastaway)
If you are interested in specific learning difficulties like dyscalculia, then "The Trouble with Maths" by Steve Chinn is very good. Or anything by Ronit Bird
The Liverpool College Maths instruction pack mentioned earlier is also available through Aberdeenshire Council libraries service:
I also like "Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers"
Any of these links should give you some food for thought.
Hello there is a tutoring numeracy unit as part of the SQA PDA Tutoring adult literacies