Network for Male Participation and Engagement in CLD (Glasgow)

Network for Male Participation and Engagement in CLD (Glasgow)

by Sean Mannion -
Number of replies: 0

Hi All,

I'm just posting this across the forum now as stuff to do with men in CLD has appeared across a couple of different threads recently, and thought it might be of interest.

I currently work as a Community Worker for Crossroads Youth and Community Association in Govanhill. A significant component of my work here tends to involve working with men through group development. 

Over the last year myself and some other workers from other third sector organisations in the south of the city came together to discuss engagement strategies and issues in working with men within groups and other initiatives (both generic and gender-targeted) in development and community practices. This originally came about due to the drop-off rates that seemed to be common for a number of different men's group running in the area, and the focus of the discussions widened to include funding challenges, best practices, etc., as well as informally mapping the type of work that tends to occur with male participants, and some potential partnerships have been explored through the networking aspect as well. 

At the last couple of meetings we involved a number of other organisations from the wider area of the city, and we will be meeting again in January, perhaps to try and have a more focused discussion. 

At the last couple of meetings there were around 10 organisations from around the city present, and we'd like to involve more people - we're particularly aware of how few organisations were present from the North and East of Glasgow especially, and equally the fact that everyone round the table has so far been from the 3rd Sector exclusively. If this would be in any way relevant to the work anyone else is currently doing, or if anyone would like (or knows of anyone who might like) to be involved, please let me know or get in touch.
