literacy and numeracy initial assessments

literacy and numeracy initial assessments

by sheila white -
Number of replies: 4


I am interested to find out what initial assessment materials colleagues are currently  using with new  learners to identify their literacy and numeracy level?


Many thanks



In reply to sheila white

Re: literacy and numeracy initial assessments

by Jane Logue -



We use an ILP, so it's more of a process, rather than a one-off assessment.






In reply to sheila white

Re: literacy and numeracy initial assessments

by Carol Bambrough -

For literacies learners we use and ILP alongside informal discussion. Assessment is an on-going process as it takes time to identify what learners know already.  for ESOL learners we use a slightly more formal assessment method which is more task-based

In reply to sheila white

Re: literacy and numeracy initial assessments

by Jean Nelson -

For many years now I have used the Basic Skills Agency assessment pack. Although it is levelled according to the English system it does give a fairly accurate result. I have researched the Basic Skills Agency site and am not sure if this resource is still available

In reply to sheila white

Re: literacy and numeracy initial assessments

by catherine hadshar -

hi Sheila - I often use SQA Numeracy level 3 questions as a guide to which areas learners feel confident with... delivered in a low key, informal way, it can lead to a list of targets for an ILP eg I want to feel more confident with %, fractions, when to divide, decimals etc

For writing, I encourage learners to come back next week with half a page about something they really know/care about (their dog! their holiday....) and not look up any words, but think as they write about using capitals and full stops. Any words they're not sure about, its fine to do a wiggle underneath to show that they thought it didn't look right etc

Then, when they bring this piece in, I'd do error analysis and see how much they understood about spelling rules, use of capitals and full stops etc - again this would lead to ILP targets.

Less sure how best to assess reading ...

Good luck!
