Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Catriona McNicoll -
Number of replies: 10


I'm at the very early stages of looking to develop a course for adults that incorporates some of the elements of the duke of Edinburgh programme such as outdoor activities, volunteering, learning something new and life skills. I wondered if anyone has run/developed anything like this or know of any existing programmes that are around. I know there is the discovery award which caters for those aged 50 and over so am looking to cater for those under this age.

Look forward to hearing



In reply to Catriona McNicoll

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Fiona Mackintosh -

have you looked at John Muir Awards which centres around learning about the environment and has different levels which can be tailored to suit your group


In reply to Fiona Mackintosh

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Catriona McNicoll -

Thanks Fiona

I have heard of John Muir Awards but hadn't thought of using this. Def will look at this. Had been thinking about linking in the Adult Achievement Award.

In reply to Catriona McNicoll

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Gavin Crosby -

The 'Adult Achievement Awards' are still in pilot stage, being led by Newbattle Abbey Adult Learning college


my colleague Neil Saddington here in Midlothian has had some involvement with the development of the programme.

Like the youth achievement award, the AAA differ from the DofE by not having a mandatory outdoor section - but you could incorporate that if it was the groups theme.

In reply to Gavin Crosby

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Catriona McNicoll -

Thanks Gavin

I have learners doing the pilot so will explore using this option further. I have met with youth work and we have come up with some good ideas to explore further  including gaining an outdoor qualification to enable myself and other workers to take groups further afield and learn new skills such as map reading and orienteering etc.   

In reply to Catriona McNicoll

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Deleted user -

Hey C! Gwen Bowles and Joyce Kettles look after the DofE for our y.p but will likely be able to help with the adult one? :0)

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Catriona McNicoll -

Thanks Jackie

 met with Gwen and following on from this a couple of us are going to try out running a hillwalking group with other learning opportunities alongside this such as first aid and navigational skills.

In reply to Catriona McNicoll

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Fiona Findleton -

Hi there

I am aware that in Dundee someone used to run the 'Discovery Award'. This was D of E style programme for adults who were over 50.  Apologies but I can not remember the guys name that I was in contact with.  maybe someone else can.............

In reply to Fiona Findleton

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Kevin Ditcham -


Here's the website for the Discovery Award. It's now available across the whole of the UK! http://www.discoveryaward.org.uk/ 

Hope this helps


In reply to Catriona McNicoll

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Deleted user -

Sounds great! :)

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Duke of Edinburgh type course for Adults

by Deleted user -

The SQA Personal Development  units can be used very flexibly to incorporate Duke of Edinburgh type activity.

The Asdan Bronze, Silver and Gold includes a range of activities, including Volunteering and Community involvement and can be used effectivley with an adult group.