Universal Credit support

Universal Credit support

by Tricia Donaghy -
Number of replies: 5


I'm trying to source some screen shots of the relevant Universal Credit Full Service screens to use as a guide/resource with learners.   JCP are unable to share any of these.   The particular screen shots I am looking for are:-

'How to manage your account online'

'Your Commitment'

'Your Commitment' continued

'To Do List'

'How to access & complete your journal'

Is anyone else looking at developing a similar resource?    Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks.


In reply to Tricia Donaghy

Re: Universal Credit support

by Elaine Glennie -

Hi Tricia,

I don't have any of the screenshots that you're looking for (sorry!) but am really interested in what you're doing.  We run Job Clubs in Angus and a resource like this would be really helpful for our learners too. 

Have you tried Welfare Rights or Citizens Advice for the screenshots?



In reply to Elaine Glennie

Re: Universal Credit support

by Tricia Donaghy -

Hi Elaine,


I haven't contacted Welfare Rights or CAB yet so will give them a try.




In reply to Tricia Donaghy

Re: Universal Credit support

by David Grant -

Hi Tricia

I'm not sure if this helps, it is a link to material that I created prior to help participants on the IT4Work project run by my employer Dundee Council, the objective being to help people become digitally literate whilst meeting their claimant commitment for Job Seekers Allowance (I currently work with participants on JSA and Universal Credit).  I'm happy for you to edit and use any of this material if it helps you.


I think that you are looking for screen shots from individuals who have created online Universal Credit accounts, if you could clarify then this would help.  Assuming this is what you are looking for, and you don't manage to source suitable material, maybe we could look at developing a shared and relevant resource.



In reply to Tricia Donaghy

Re: Universal Credit support

by Graham MacLellan -

I have asked DWP for similar resources. My understanding is that the system is constantly changing and being updated as it is being 'tested' when rolled out. I see some people have requested similar information online via freedom of information requests however these have been denied as the information is in the public domain. 

The money advice site has some great links but no screenshots :(


There is no test site also unfortunately with the full service.
