Family learning with teenagers

Family learning with teenagers

by Graham Hewitson -
Number of replies: 4

The Tayside and Fife Professional learning Alliance is planning some activity in the autumn on family learning and looking to develop its thinking around what family learning might look like with teenagers; our focus to date has been on the early years.

We'd be interested in hearing about work in other areas or any pointers towards research sources.

All contributions appreciated.

In reply to Graham Hewitson

Re: Family learning with teenagers

by Rhonda Leith -

I'd be interested if anyone else is doing this too. We are currently trying to develop an outdoor learning programme focused on farm to plate with targeted teenagers at a local school and bring their parents in to participate in some sessions with them but we are just at the planning stage at present.

In reply to Graham Hewitson

Re: Family learning with teenagers

by Deleted user -

'Strengthening Families Programme' is a very good programme that could be of use.  They are offering training right now as well. Worth getting in touch.  (Content of email sent out below)

Due to several cancelations there are still places available. If you would like a place please get in contact with me as soon as possible.





Good afternoon,


Another date for the Strengthening Families Programme facilitators training has been agreed and will run:


11th May,18th May and 25th May 2017.

Training will start 9am till 4pm at The Grenfell House, 290 High Street, Arbroath, DD11 1FJ .


This training would qualify workers to deliver the Strengthening Families Programme (SFP) in areas across Angus. We would ask that the people attending the training to commit to running 3 programmes per year. There is no cost for the training other than the commitment to deliver the 3 programmes per year.


SFP is an evidence based programme developed to help families avoid developing serious behavioural problems by intervening early. The programme runs over 7 weeks. Parents and young people attend separate skill building sessions for the first hour and then break for 30 minutes and then another hour together in a supervised family session. 

The parent and youth sessions provide reinforcement and skills practice. For example, while the parents are learning how to use consequences, the young people are learning about the importance of following rules. Then in the family session the young people and parents practice problem solving together as a family when the rules are broken. 

The main 3 aims of the programme are to:

·     Build life skills in young people and parents.

·     Reduce alcohol misuse and other behavioural problems during adolescents

·     Strengthening parent/child relationships.

If you would be interested in attending the training or have any other questions please contact me directly. Please forward to any colleagues that would be interested in attending the training too.


Many thanks


Angela Duncan




Angela Duncan

Strengthening Families Programme Co-ordinator

The Grenfell House Centre

290 High Street


DD11 1JF

Tel: 01241 873146 Mobile: 07920711356



In reply to Deleted user

Re: Family learning with teenagers

by Oonagh McGarry -

Thanks Jackie

We are looking at Strengthening Families but I think this is probably too short notice for us.


In reply to Graham Hewitson

Re: Family learning with teenagers

by Leigh Mackie -

There are fantastic examples of family learning with teenagers taking place in South Lanarkshire through the Community Learning and Home School Partnership team. Please feel free to contact Fiona Robertson on 01698 452 154 or