Financial Capability modules now available in Polish

Financial Capability modules now available in Polish

by Susan Whyte -
Number of replies: 0

Please see message below re invitation to the launch of the Financial Capability modules in Polish.  If you have any questions about the modules or the event, please contact Pat (Money Advice Scotland) on the number at the bottom of the message.



Money Advice Scotland have translated their financial capability elearning modules into Polish and they are having a launch on the 23rd May in Glasgow City Chambers.  It would be great to see you there and they would also be very grateful if you could disseminate the attached invitation and publicity poster as widely as possible to all your contacts, as we would like to meet as many people as possible on the 23rd


They would like to meet service users as well as organisational contacts, so if you or your contacts know of anyone in the Polish speaking community who would be interested in these modules and event,  please forward the invitation to them.


They would also be grateful if the attached poster could be printed off and displayed wherever appropriate, as we hope the translated modules will be useful to a wide range of people. 


Bookings for the launch event can be made via our online booking form:


Many thanks again for offering to disseminate this information and if anyone has any questions please call me on 0141 572 0237


