Digital Inclusion Projects

Digital Inclusion Projects

by Rory Brown -
Number of replies: 4

Hi All,

I've recently taken up post as a digital inclusion worker in Govan with responsibility for getting a community hub space for drop in tech advice and events up and running. 

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of any exciting work being done in working on digital literacy, getting people excited about technology etc.



In reply to Rory Brown

Re: Digital Inclusion Projects

by susan stewart -

Not sure if you are registered with GLOW Rory, but there may be something of interest within Yammer (GLOW blog), that you may wish to look at - Digital Learning & Teaching.  I was able to gain a user name through the High School, when I was working in partnership with them a few years ago, and have been able to gain user names for colleagues through the person that deals with this within Renfrewshire Council, by linking them with one of the primary schools we are working with.


In reply to Rory Brown

Re: Digital Inclusion Projects

by Angie Wilson -

Hi Rory, in a previous roles I've been involved with delivering free IT courses and training in local Libraries. I found short themed courses worked well as did one off drop-ins.

Traditional office skills (esp Word and Excel) ran throughout the year and always had a waiting list with people wanting these skills for work, college etc.

More recreational classes were also popular including topics such as "There's an app for that (introduction to tablets course),basic digital photography, using eBay, etc.

You might also want to look at code club and coder dojo for teaching basic programming skills or "raspberry pi" to try out some digital making!

In reply to Rory Brown

Re: Digital Inclusion Projects

by Liz Green -

Hi Rory,

Check out SCVO's Digital Participation work.

As well as the charter there have been over 100 funded projects with different approaches. All the projects have short reports here with info about the work, the outcomes, reflection as well as photos etc.

There's also the Digitally Agile CLD website with some resources and the Digitally Agile National Principles there too.

Good luck in your post, it sounds great!


In reply to Liz Green

Re: Digital Inclusion Projects

by Rory Brown -

Thanks for the signposting! Found and read up on some really interesting projects in the area.

I had known about the digital participation charter previously, but having so many case studies has encouraged us as an organisation to sign up and get involved.

Thanks again!