Erasmus+ funding workshop - Edinburgh, 19/9/17

Erasmus+ funding workshop - Edinburgh, 19/9/17

by Marj Clark -
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Hi all,

Xchange Scotland and YouthLink Scotland are working together this year to promote Erasmus+ opportunities across the youth and community sector. Our project, funded by the European Commission (with its representation in the UK), aims to mobilise young people and their representative organisations in applying for Erasmus+ funding to carry out youth exchanges, short and long term work placement volunteering (EVS), and youth worker mobility seminars, job shadowing and training.

Our workshop in the Melting Pot in Edinburgh on 19/9/17 will look at:

- What Erasmus+ funds organisations for.

- Types of exchanges you can organise, from youth exchanges and European Voluntary Service (EVS), youth worker mobility, cooperation and innovation and exchange of good practice, and support for policy reform.

- Best practice in application writing.

- How to find international partners and plan projects.

- Sharing success stories from previous exchanges.

- Further information on application support in advance of the October 2017 and February 2018 deadline.

The workshop will be running from 11AM-4PM and it is free to sign up! Dates, times and sign up information can be found here:

We hope you can make it along and find out more about developing international projects in the local CLD sector.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me here, or through email:

Kind regards,

Marj Clark

Xchange Scotland