Creation of Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks: Community Development

Creation of Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks: Community Development

by Registration Manager -
Number of replies: 0

Happy New Year! The team and I are looking forward to working with all our professional members in 2018.  

At the start of 2017, you may remember that CLD Standards Council Scotland in partnership with Skills Active revised the CD SVQs at Levels 2 and 3 and created new SVQs in Community Development at SCQF levels 5 and 6. We now wish to move this work forward and create two Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks in Community Development.

A working group has been established, and using their knowledge of the requirements of the sector in combination with the results of previous practitioner feedback, they have worked out content and structures for two Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks. 

We are keen that professional CLD practitioners have the opportunity to contribute to shaping these qualifications to ensure that those working within the CLD sector develop the knowledge and skills required to demonstrate competence in the profession, so we are seeking your feedback on our proposals. We would also like to take the opportunity to get your comments on some other potential future qualifications development work. 

We would therefore be very grateful if you could please share this link with your networks and complete the following survey by 19 January 2018:


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that there is planned maintenance on Survey Monkey from today at 5pm until 1am on Saturday and therefore, will not be open to responses between these times.

Thank you for the time and consideration and I look forward to receiving your responses.

With thanks and best wishes

Marion Allison
Head of CLD Standards Council Scotland