by Elaine Lawson -
Number of replies: 8
I have been tasked with looking into the relationship between STEM and Community Learning and Development policy, strategy and practice. 

Are any CLD colleagues aware of any practice that actively incorporates STEM delivered by CLD or in partnership?  We would also be interested to hear about any education strategies where CLD have been including as part of the developments.

Please share any interesting reading or resources that you may be aware of in relation to STEM in CLD.

In reply to Elaine Lawson

Re: STEM and CLD

by John Galt -

Hi Elaine

Here are a few ideas to get started. I hope they're useful.

The Scottish Government's recent STEM strategy outlines a number of actions to support CLD's STEM contributions.

There are a few examples of STEM family learning on the National Improvement Hub and we are keen to add more:

Addressing the gender imbalance in STEM careers is an important aspect of national policy. CLD approaches have an important role to play - eg  YWCA Scotland Gen Up :

There are lots of opportunities for STEM-reacted activities in outdoor learning - eg evident in SYHA programmes:

The Princes Trust had a UK-wide project with the Wellcome Trust called 'STEMulating youth workers' which is worth looking at:

In reply to John Galt

Re: STEM and CLD

by Alan Fraser -

Hi Elaine

As part of the learning involved in The Root & Branch Environmental Group that I work with we cover various aspects of life sciences. Some of this follows a set curriculum as determined by RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) Qualifications. Other activities involve participating in different Citizen Science projects through OPAL.

In reply to Elaine Lawson

Re: STEM and CLD

by alison mclachlan -

Hello Elaine 

WEA have produced an adult learning resource called Counting on a Greener Scotland  which   explores weather ,climate and climate change and energy and renewables ( with integrated numeracy support )  

We have been developing a new introductory STEM resource called Science for a Successful Scotland ,exploring science related to the following:energy ,life sciences, creative industries, food and drink, and  environment and tourism  The This resource is due to be launched on February 7 th 2018. 

Both these resources are free, based around scqf level  4, ( COGS is credit rated through Napier University and we are aiming to have Science for a Successful Scotland credit rated too)available in hard and online format (via Clyde College VLE)

Learning Link Scotland  and WEA are hosting a focus group  on January 18 th for CLD practitioners to explore ways to incorporate science into  practice 

If you want any further information  on any of the above please get in touch

IKind regards  


In reply to Elaine Lawson

Re: STEM and CLD

by alison mclachlan -

This is the flyer for the Science for a Successful Scotland resource launch 

Attachment Science for a successful scotland.jpeg
In reply to Elaine Lawson

Re: STEM and CLD

by Sarah Logue -

We have been having family sessions for P1 to P4 using the Crest Awards which have been developed by the British Science Association.  They proved very populate with the families that attended, with both sets of parent/carers attending in a few cases.  We are now looking at developing this to keep the families who have already completed engaged.

In reply to Elaine Lawson

Re: STEM and CLD

by Allan Hosey -

In North Edinburgh, CLD and the local (Muirhouse) Library delivered STEM sessions one afternoon a week for P4-7s from a local primary school (Pirniehall).

The sessions included electric circuits, ocean pollution, rainforest, renewable energy, water, air resistance/gravity, IT, visits to hydro and nuclear power stations etc.

The class would come to the library for the whole afternoon and be split into two groups. Group1 would spend half the afternoon in the main library and the other half in the library community room which was staffed by CLD. Group 2 would do the same activities but in reverse.

The activities were be based around the class teacher’s lesson plan that were shared well in advance. Informal learning staff delivered the sessions and some of the ideas and resources used were different to but complimentary to school approaches.

As a community worker rather than a STEM specialist, I found Tigtag very helpful for resources and ideas.

 We ran these sessions every term for the last four years. Feedback from the class teachers was mainly very positive.

In reply to Elaine Lawson

Re: STEM and CLD

by Jackie Howie -

Hi Elaine and anyone else who might be interested,

I have attached the flyer for the Focus Group mentioned by Alison in a previous comment.

With best wishes,
