Uni of Dundee Governing Body Vacancy

Uni of Dundee Governing Body Vacancy

by Kirsty Gemmell -
Number of replies: 0


From Dr Jim McGeorge, University Secretary, Monday 29 January 2018

Reminder - University Court Vacancy




The Court, the University of Dundee's Governing Body, is seeking to appoint two new lay members. An advertisement (below) recently appeared in the national press and further information on the role, criteria and applications are available from uod.ac.uk/laycourt.

We would be extremely grateful if staff and students could bring the advertisement to the attention of anyone they feel may be interested in the position (candidates must not have themselves been a member of the University (staff or student) during the last four years).

Interested individuals should submit an application to Dr Christine Milburn (courtadmin@dundee.ac.uk) by Friday 2 February 2018. The Court admin team would also be more than happy to speak to any potential candidates seeking further information (email courtadmin@dundee.ac.uk or telephone 01382 385562).

Best wishes

Dr Jim McGeorge
University Secretary




Governing Body Vacancy

The University of Dundee aims to transform lives, locally and globally, and to shape the future by solving important real-world problems. We are home to a high-performance community with a global outlook, engaged with staff and students from over 140 countries around the world. We are one of the world’s Top 200 universities, hold a Gold Award in the Teaching Excellence Framework and are one of the UK’s top rated universities for student experience and graduate employment. We are also consistently referred to as one of Europe’s most innovative universities. Our ambitious goal is to become Scotland’s leading university. Our Strategy to 2022, launched in autumn 2017, sets us on a path to build on our considerable achievements.

The University is looking to appoint two individuals to its governing body, the University Court, to help it achieve its ambitious goals. The Court oversees the development of the University’s vision and strategic direction and ensures effective leadership and good governance, and this lay vacancy provides a rewarding opportunity to play a key role in building on the University’s recent successes and maximising the potential of future strategic development.

Ideal candidates will demonstrate excellent leadership and interpersonal skills, professional expertise, an understanding of the principles of good governance and a strong commitment to, and affinity for, higher education and the vision and values of the University. Applications are welcomed from individuals from all fields of expertise, with a particular interest in candidates with skills which broaden the overall skill set of the Court such: as finance; equality, diversity and inclusion; communications; marketing; estates; creative industries; legal; and organisational change.

The Court meets six times a year and members are also expected to serve on at least one Committee. Lay members are not remunerated but the University will meet reasonable costs incurred in carrying out the role including reimbursement for travel within the UK and care costs of dependants. The position is for four years in the first instance. Information on existing members is available from www.dundee.ac.uk/governance/governance/court/members/.

The University is committed to diversity in its membership and would welcome applications from all suitably experienced individuals. Applications would be particularly welcomed from individuals from protected characteristic groups currently underrepresented on the Court who would further enhance its diversity and reasonable adjustments for disability will be implemented for those who may require them.

Closing date Friday 2 February 2018

Interviews will be held on Friday 9 March 2018

Further information is available at: uod.ac.uk/laycourt, via email: courtadmin@dundee.ac.uk or tel: 01382 385562