Contribute to the review of the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland's Colleges

Contribute to the review of the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland's Colleges

by Lorna Renton -
Number of replies: 0

College Development Network (CDN) is working in partnership with Scottish Government to undertake a fundamental review of the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges.

This is a fantastic opportunity to review and update the Standards and to develop an ambitious framework that will set out the competencies required for lecturers to deliver outstanding services to learners. The ambition is to ensure that the Standards are fit for the needs of college lecturers and students today, and into the future.
The modernisation of the Standards will embed the rapid changes seen across the learning and teaching landscape in recent years. It will also address advances made in technology and consider what that means for today’s practitioners and learners.

The online survey is now open
The survey will close on Friday 9 February 2018.

The online survey is designed to be completed by anyone working in the college or wider education sector across Scotland.

Other interested parties are invited to complete the survey, or to provide comments on the Review of College Professional Standards by emailing:

CDN are the guardians of the Professional Standards, which are owned by the Scottish Government. They consist of Initial Standards, which underpin the Teaching Qualification in Further Education (TQFE), and a suite of Continuing Professional Development Standards. The Initial Standards were revised in 2012 and the CPD Standards remain unchanged since their introduction in 2006
The questionnaire for the survey has been piloted with a cross section of college staff and a ‘single point of contact’ for the review has been identified in each college.
A series of 14 focus groups has been set up to take place between January and February, ten of which are specifically for lecturing staff. A series of in-depth interviews are also planned with key stakeholders.