Free Digital Skills Training for CLD in Glasgow

Free Digital Skills Training for CLD in Glasgow

by Jackie Howie -
Number of replies: 2

Digitally Agile Community Learning and Development - the Basics

Free Digital Skills Training in Glasgow for May 2018

Digitally Agile Community Learning and Development – The Basics is a collaborative project between Learning Link Scotland, YouthLink Scotland and Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)

We are running free training to support community learning and development practitioners to develop basic digital skills and to embed those skills into community learning and development practice.

The training will focus on basic digital skills of managing information, communicating, transacting, problem solving, creating and staying safe online. The context for the course will be how basic digital skills can become embedded in the practitioners’ community learning and development practice.

The Training

·         Two days – day one will focus on basic digital skills, day two will focus on how to use digital skills in community learning and development practice.

·         Day one will be on 10th May and 17th May 2018

·         Both days will run from 10.00 – 15.00 and refreshments and lunch will be provided.

·         The training will take place at: Glasgow Training Rooms, The Pentagon, 36 Washington Street, G3 8AZ

The Requirements:

·         Participants do not need to be called a community learning and development or CLD worker but do need to be active in community learning and development activities such as adult education, youth work or community development.

·         Participants may be employed by a local authority, third sector organisation or college or be a volunteer worker.

·         Our intention is to recruit practitioners who do not feel confident with their digital skills and need some support to help them get started in using digital skills in their practice.

How to get involved:

·         Please register your interest in the course by contacting Jackie Howie, by email or 0141 353 5649

·         Once you have registered interest you will be sent further information on joining the course.

For a quick update on the Digitally Agile CLD Principles please go to the website:


In reply to Jackie Howie

Re: Free Digital Skills Training for CLD in Glasgow

by Sue Holland-smith -

hi Jackie, this looks like a great opportunity for practitioners. Are there any plans to run this elsewhere in Scotland? I am sure we would be very happy to host this through Tayside and Fife Alliance if that was a possibility.



In reply to Jackie Howie

Re: Free Digital Skills Training for CLD in Glasgow

by Kevin Carroll -

Hi, I missed this round - would also be keen to learn of upcoming dates and locations :-)