Introduction to Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice for CLD

Introduction to Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice for CLD

by Lorna Renton -
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This new free professional development module is now available.

The introductory module aims to provide practitioners who work in a CLD setting with an improved awareness of what dyslexia is, its impact, how it is assessed in different contexts and how it can be supported within an inclusive learning environment.

It is anticipated that the module will take between 2 – 3 hours to complete. The module includes a reflective log. The activities in the module can be completed on your own but you can also use them to support group work with colleagues.

This module has been developed and written by a collaborative partnership between Education Scotland, Dyslexia Scotland and the CLD Standards Council Scotland with support from the Specific Learning Difficulties Forum which is co-hosted by Education Scotland and Dyslexia Scotland. Membership comprises practitioners who work within the Community Learning & Development sector in Scotland.

Find out more and access the link to the online learning module on the course page.