Scottish Learning Festival 2018

Scottish Learning Festival 2018

by Lorna Renton -
Number of replies: 1

SLF 2018 will take place on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 September in the SECC Glasgow.

The theme for SLF 2018 is Collaborating for Improvement with a particular focus on effective collaborations that ensure young people are having a greater say in decisions that affect their lives, and on STEM Education.

The Scottish Learning Festival isn’t just for teachers. Highlights in this year’s programme include a keynote talk from Louise Macdonald  Chief Executive, Young Scot on using co-design to put power, influence and decision-making directly into the hands of young people;  workshops on topics like #iWill and family learning; and the STEM demonstration sessions on the Thursday will include CLD examples from Learning Link Scotland, Youth Scotland and others.

It is a great opportunity for community learning and development workers and volunteers from local authorities and third sector organisations to get new ideas to support their work and network with others in the learning sector. And it’s free!

Browse the Programme to select the sessions you would like to attend. 

And Register now !

In reply to Lorna Renton

Re: Scottish Learning Festival 2018

by John Galt -

Hi folks

Just a reminder that there is still time for CLD practitioners to register for free to attend the Scottish Learning Festival which is happening in Glasgow this week (Wed Sept 19th and Thurs 20th).

Here are a few highlights:


Louise Macdonald OBE, Chief Executive, Young Scot

WEDNESDAY – 14.00-14.45

STEM Expo 2018

Kick-start STEM in your setting by taking part in our wide range of STEM demonstration sessions. In a first for the Scottish Learning Festival, these experiential sessions are packed full of practical ideas that practitioners can replicate in their own settings to motivate and engage learners across STEM subjects and digital learning within early learning, primary, secondary and community settings.

THURSDAY – 10.45-11.30

Empowering young people to make a difference! Ten years of YPI Scotland

Jonathan Christie, The Wood Foundation

This seminar will explore the significant role young people play in communities across Scotland. Co-designed with a cross section of schools/young people, this session will share perspectives from those who have participated in YPI Scotland, collaborated closely with third sector partners, and impacted upon the issues that most significantly affect their lives.

Wednesday 9.30-10.15am

Future-proofing education through co-design with young people

Paul Gault, Young Scot

We will host an interactive session where young people will help lead and work with delegates using a co-design approach. This will build upon some of the key findings which have emerged through Young Scot’s extensive experience in gathering young people’s views on education including the opportunities and challenges related to sharing power with young people.

Wednesday 2-3.15pm

Our digital rights: a shared responsibility

Young Scot 5Rights Youth Leadership Group

The Young Scot 5Rights Youth Leadership Group wants to challenge the way you look at ‘digital natives’. In this seminar this diverse group of young people share their passion for championing their digital rights, and invite you to rethink your approach in empowering young people in an increasingly digital world.

Wednesday 3.15-4pm

#iwill campaign – young people using their voice and making a difference through social action and youth

Liz Green, YouthLink Scotland and Mandy Davidson, Lenzie Academy

Young people are inspiring all of us with the difference they are making through social action; helping communities, engaging with local/national decision makers and more. #iwill encourages cross-sectoral collaboration to enable meaningful youth participation. Hear about the impact of formal and informal approaches from schools, youth work and young people.

Thursday 10.45-11.30am

Collaborating with partners on developing family learning approaches

Susan Doherty, Education Scotland

This seminar will consider:

• legislation/policies on family learning in Scotland

• benefits of using a family learning approach

• Review of Family Learning 2016

• Framework for Family Learning

• examples of innovative and interesting practice.

Thursday 12-12.45pm