Digital Youth Work Policy Seminar 27th September - Book Now!

Digital Youth Work Policy Seminar 27th September - Book Now!

by Liz Green -
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We'd like to invite you to join us for our policy seminar on digital youth work and cyber resilience on 27th September 2018 in Edinburgh.

We have an amazing line up of speakers, including David McNeill (SCVO), Suvi Tuominen (VERKE, Finland’s National Development Centre for Digital Youth Work), and 5Rights Ambassadors – as well as youth worker Darran Gillan (YMCA) sharing his approach to digital youth work, and Rural Youth Project co-founder Rebecca Dawes talking about international rural youth vlogging and blogging. 

There are some blogs here about the theme:

David McNeill, Director of Digital at SCVO, “I don’t really like the word digital

Lauren Pluss, YouthLink Scotland, “What is Digital Youth Work?”

 Some of the key questions that the seminar will address include:

·         Are young people really ‘digital natives?’

·         Are youth workers equipped and ready  to support young people to navigate this changing ‘digital’ world, to realise their potential and address new challenges?

·         Do we still deliver youth work services in the same way we always have?

 The seminar will also include some brand new films from the EU Digital Youth Work project. 

 Booking Info can be found here