Evaluation Tools

Evaluation Tools

by Walter Gorman -
Number of replies: 6

Hi folks

I'm wondering what everyone else is using to evaluate their CLD / Youth Work / Adult Education practice as we're looking for a suitable evaluation tool at this end. Any advice, help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Walter Gorman

In reply to Walter Gorman

Re: Evaluation Tools

by Jackie Howie -

Hi Walter

We use the resource attached, Evidencing the Impact, for adult learning. I'm happy to talk to you about it further (or anyone else who reads this who would like to find out more) if you want to get in touch.

Best wishes,

Jackie Howie

Learning Link Scotland


0141 353 5649

In reply to Walter Gorman

Re: Evaluation Tools

by Susan Hunter -

Hi Walter 

Would recommend you look at the youth work outcomes and indicators. There is a new online toolkit which is designed to support self evaluation and improvement in youth work. Available at www.youthlinkscotland.org/Policy - then click on The Youth Work Outcomes tile. 

This tool is designed for local adaptation and contextualisation. 

Good luck


In reply to Walter Gorman

Re: Evaluation Tools

by John Galt -

Hi Walter

Have you looked at How Good is the Learning and Development in our Community? It's  designed to be a self evaluation tool for CLD pratice. 


In reply to Walter Gorman

Re: Evaluation Tools

by hazel lindsay -

Hi Walter

You might find this online self evaluation tool useful http://www.cldselfevaluationtoolkit.co.uk/

I also use Evaluation Support Scotland resources a lot.


Having a good plan with SMART objectives and measurable indicators helps when it comes to evaluation so also look at ESS planning tools/resources.



In reply to hazel lindsay

Re: Evaluation Tools

by hazel lindsay -

Hi again Walter

If you Google "outcome Star" you will find information on this as a tool that is particularly suitable and adaptable for youth work. There are many versions of it.


You can design your own for specific courses/pieces of work. A good way to measure change.



In reply to Walter Gorman

Re: Evaluation Tools

by John Galt -

Hi Walter

You might also want to have a look at Youth Scotland's quality improvement resources for voluntary and community youth groups:
