Looking for participants for a focus group

Looking for participants for a focus group

by Melina Maiworm -
Number of replies: 0

Hi all, 

My name is Melina Maiworm and I am a 4th year Community Education student at the University of Edinburgh. My undergraduate dissertation research project discusses the centrality of work in our society. As part of my research, I am planning to conduct two focus groups. I am therefore looking for community education practitioners who are interested in taking part in a focus group to explore if community education practitioners see themselves as having a key role in developing and cultivating alternative narratives that go beyond the work-centred society.


Friday, 22nd February 2019 – 10.00am to 12.00pm OR

Tuesday, 26th February 2019 – 5.30pm to 7.30pm


We will meet at Bridgend Farmhouse (41 Old Dalkeith Road Edinburgh EH16 4TE) and tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided.


I would love to hear from you! For more information, please contact Melina Maiworm (s1546928@sms.ed.ac.uk)