3rd Year Student looking for a placement

3rd Year Student looking for a placement

by Christopher Livingstone -
Number of replies: 0

Dear colleagues, and agents for change 

Hope you have all had a great and productive week. 

What it is, I am student from the University of the West of Scotland on the BA (honours) in Community Education course. I am currently in my 3rd year of studies, however, I have been trying to seek a community practice placement to enhance my skills qualities and attributes in the field, but I have found it difficult as organisation have not or do not have the capacity for another student. 

I have had previous experiences in volunteer, such as various setting in youth work and prior placements. I won't list them all here but I am very keen to develop my practice and for me, each year, I have aimed to stretch my comfort zone which has had a positive impact on my learning and I look forward to developing myself and my competencies. For my 2nd year I was able to work with the Scottish Recovery Consortium where I was able to support the Host Network Group to organise and develop the Scottish Recovery Walk 2018 bringing the mental health and addiction in recovery communities together. This was such an amazing opportunity to develop and I have taken away so much from this experience for future practice. 

What it is, I aim to use this opportunity to reach out to practitioners, managers in the field to see if you have or know of any potential placement opportunities so that I can develop and enhance my own practice for my 3rd year in learning. I am very keen to develop and learn as I go. I am keen on reflecting on my practice via journaling and constantly keen to question and raise conversations within the setting I am in. If you know of possible opportunities, drop me a message through this portal or you can call me on: 07485   or email: B00291264@studentmail.uws.ac.uk

Thank you all, and may I wish each of you a marvellous weekend

Kind regards 

Christopher Ross Livingstone