Maths Week Scotland Small Grants Fund

Maths Week Scotland Small Grants Fund

by Jackie Howie -
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Maths Week Scotland 2019 takes place from 30 September – 6 October 2019.

The Scottish Government want to make Maths Week Scotland 2019 the biggest and best ever. The programme includes events for children, families, adults and schools, ranging from drop in activities and digital games to talks and Maths Day extravaganzas.

Whether you have the kernel of a great idea or a full event planned the Scottish Government want to hear from you.

You can apply for funding to cover travel costs, materials, promotion or freelancer fees or anything you need to make Maths Week Scotland happen. Individuals, groups or organisations can apply for funding to host events, work with local communities or advertise more effectively.   

Please complete your application form and email it to the Edinburgh Mathematical Society at by 5pm on Friday 31 May.  The subject line of your email should be ‘Maths Week Scotland Small Grants Fund – [your organisation name here]’.

Please contact if you have any questions or would like to discuss your ideas.

To download the application form visit