Young Practitioners Forum - Join in! 25/6/19, Dundee

Young Practitioners Forum - Join in! 25/6/19, Dundee

by Kirsty Gemmell -
Number of replies: 0

Info below from Pete Glen of Dundee Uni about an exciting event for young CLD practitioners!

Hi everyone, this is to draw your attention to an exciting event that I hope you can attend: the "Young Practioners Forum" on Tuesday 25th June from 3-5pm in DUSA the Union, University of Dundee: 

The Young Practitioners Forum is an exciting FREE Unconference Event as part of the World Community Development Conference 2019 being held at the University of Dundee 24-26 June 2019.

Hosted by the Student President of School of Education and Social Work at the University of Dundee and International Association for Community Development (IACD) Global Youth Rep, Alyssa Faulkner.

This is a unique opportunity for young practitioners new to the field of community development and students studying the profession to connect with practitioners from around the world.

Speakers include:

Margaret Ledwith, radical community development practitioner and Emeritus Professor of Community Development and Social Justice at the University of Cumbria 

Virginia Bras-Gomez, human rights activist and former Chair of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

As well as speakers talking about their research in community development pedagogy.

Sign up for an EXCLUSIVE offer of FREE Student Membership of IACD for ONE YEAR..

It will be a chance to learn from others, reflect, ask questions and be a part of a once in a lifetime conference for Dundee!


The sign-up for this free event is