Train the Trainer session on Supporting children with learning difficulties

Train the Trainer session on Supporting children with learning difficulties

by Lorna Renton -
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Training session for professionals run by The Salvesen Mindroom Centre

Cost is £75
Date: 20 August 9:30 till 2 in Edinburgh

In the session you will learn how some new short films about Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, DCD, and Tourette Syndrome can be used to raise awareness of, and improve support for, children and young people with learning difficulties and their families.

Session will include training on the workshop notes that accompany the films, and explore methods for disseminating the learning to staff or volunteers in your own setting.
The Cost includes:
• 5 short films for use in your own setting
• Complete set of workshop notes to accompany the films
• Complete set of The Salvesen Mindroom Centre learning difficulty resources
• Refreshments
• Networking lunch

Further information and booking -