#AdultEducation100 Campaign Resources

#AdultEducation100 Campaign Resources

by Kirsty Gemmell -
Number of replies: 0

The 1919 Centenary Commission marks the centenary of the Ministry of Reconstruction’s Final Report on Adult Education in 1919. The commission will produce a report with future recommendations on the needs and possibilities for adult education today and into the century ahead. The publication of the report will be in November 2019 to coincide with the publication date of the 1919 report. 

A programme of activities will mark the centenary of this important report.  As part of this, and to stimulate a wide-ranging debate and to open up new avenues for the development of adult education for the century ahead, we are setting up the 1919 Centenary Commission, along with the steering group that make up the campaign #AdultEducation100

How you can take part in the debate?

You can - run events, coffee mornings and lectures that centre around adult education – past and present. This could include ‘coffee, cake and debate’ sessions; history courses focused on this moment in time with a debate added at the end; or events that include a mixture of activities.
It’s up to you! – Please share on social media using: #AdultEducation100

#AdultEducation100 activity pack – we’ve produced a few items to help you get started: posters; recipe cards; information details and debate cards. The debate cards include a supportive element to feed your answers back so that they can be collated to support further research.
