Practitioners Forums

Practitioners Forums

by Tricia Donaghy -
Number of replies: 3


I'm keen to hear from anyone who is involved in a Practitioners Forum - either as an attendee and/or as a member of a Steering Group which facilitate the Forum. I am a member of the Steering Group for my local Practitioners Forum and I would like to discuss/share ideas and practices for the future promotion and facilitation of the forum.   Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Thank you.

In reply to Tricia Donaghy

Re: Practitioners Forums

by Jennifer Nicol -

Hi Tricia.

I attend, and know about, a few national forums related to Adult Learning; Adult Literacies, Numeracy etc.

Are you mainly looking for ideas about local forums?


In reply to Jennifer Nicol

Re: Practitioners Forums

by Tricia Donaghy -

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your message.  I am mainly looking for ideas re local forums.   The forum I attend in my local authority has been running for a number of years in a variety of different formats with fluctuating attendance.  At the moment, we are trying to increase the membership of the Steering Group, which is responsible for facilitating the content and delivery of the forum meetings.   We have themed previous forum meetings around areas such as employability mental health etc which have been successful in terms of attendance and networking opportunities but we are always trying to identify more ways of increasing participation - both at the forum meetings and as part of the Steering Group.



In reply to Tricia Donaghy

Re: Practitioners Forums

by Kathleen Donaldson -


I'm based in Moray and we have few practitioners forums which are organised by our TSI, Local Authority and Health and Social Care Partnership


Young People

Sexual Health and BBV

Health and Wellbeing

Frontline Forum - organised by our ADP. Quarterly and has different topic each time, tops so far have been Veterans, Sexual Health and BBV, Foodbank

Practitioner Forum - aimed at those working with young people

Seems quite similar to what you are already doing. If participants know the local Youth Cafe are making their amazing scones there is usually a pretty high  turn out!!