National Youth Work Conference - book your place now!

National Youth Work Conference - book your place now!

by Liz Green -
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The National Youth Work Conference 2020 is on the theme of Excellence and Equity: Youth Work and the Learner Journey. 

This conference will focus on youth work’s role in closing the attainment gap – within and beyond school; ensuring every child and young person has the same opportunity to succeed and fulfil their potential.

Our National Conference will provide the opportunity to:

  • Consider ways to build collaborative practice to improve outcomes for young people. 
  • Identify and discuss approaches to providing breadth and choice within the learner journey.
  • Reflect on a range of youth work interventions and approaches that are helping to close the poverty related attainment gap.

This event is aimed at:

  • The youth work sector.
  • Head teachers, deputy heads and other teachers.
  • Other related professionals interested in young people’s learning and development.
  • Integrated authorities and community planning partnerships.

Break out seminars - To achieve these aims we will have a choice of 16 break out seminars for conference delegates to attend. There's a fantastic range from across the sector on offer, find out more here.

Book your place now!