Overview of current national surveys aimed at the CLD sector

Overview of current national surveys aimed at the CLD sector

by Dehra Macdonald -
Number of replies: 0

Please see the email below that John Galt sent to all CLD Managers. It's really important we hear the voice of all CLD practitioners and learners in these surveys. We will be promoting a different survey each week in November.

Dear CLDMS colleagues,

Overview of current national surveys aimed at the CLD sector

There are a number of important CLD-related national online surveys live at the moment that we would like to ask you to promote. We thought that it would be useful to send information about these in the one email.

The feedback from each of these four surveys will help to inform different aspects of national CLD policy and support so it’s important to make sure that as many learners and practitioners as possible have opportunities to respond. Can we therefore please ask you to share and promote each of the surveys below to the relevant audiences through your organisations/areas/partnerships? We have attached a bit more information on each survey which may be useful for your own communications.

Many thanks for your help.



John Galt

Education Officer, Community Learning and Development

Tel: 0131 244 4137 M: 07540668975

Education Scotland

The Optima, 58 Robertson Street,

Glasgow, G2 8DU.


Link, audience and purpose

Closing date

The Scottish Government’s Adult Learning Survey



This survey seeks the views of adult learners to shape the new national adult learning strategy.


End of November 2019


National Youth Work Strategy: Voice

The Future of Youth Work in Scotland Survey



This survey has been developed by young people and seeks the views of other young people to help to shape a renewed National Youth Work Strategy (2020-2025).


Survey is due to run for 6-8 weeks from mid-October so likely to close in early to mid-December.

STEM Professional Learning Practitioner Survey 2019 for CLD Practitioners



This survey seeks the views of CLD practitioners and managers to inform future priorities and resource allocation for STEM professional learning. 


Monday 16 December 2019


Education Scotland’s Family Learning Survey



This survey will gather information on Family Learning programmes and professional development opportunities across Scotland. It is aimed at all parts of the educational sector and we are really keen to get feedback from CLD practitioners.

Monday 16 December 2019