Resources when working with S3/S4s who are...

Resources when working with S3/S4s who are...

by Barry McPhilemy -
Number of replies: 4

Not engaging with formal education...

Currently working with a group of young people in S4 (Male & Female) who have totally disengaged from formal education. I'm wondering what workshops / activities / tools are used by my fellow practitioners when engaging with YP going through similar experiences.

I'm trying to expand the resources i utilise at the moment. Any GO TO workshops / activities / tools that anyone would suggest or guide me to ?

In reply to Barry McPhilemy

Re: Resources when working with S3/S4s who are...

by Katie Reid -

Hi Barry

You could use Cool Calm and Connected which is a mental health resource from Edinburgh for high school kids. There is also health issues in the community which is an introduction to community activation, or cooking resources on the Cyrenians food education page.

I hope this helps a wee bit


In reply to Barry McPhilemy

Re: Resources when working with S3/S4s who are...

by Barry McPhilemy -

Thanks everyone - That's a fantastic start :-)