Community Alliance

Community Alliance

by Stephen Burns -
Number of replies: 2

Afternoon all,

West Dunbartonshire currently supports a Community Alliance.

The role of the Community Alliance act's as a conduit between the Community Planning Partnership and local communities ensuring the transfer of information in both directions and that communities can inform and / or influence the services that affect them and impact upon their quality of community life.

The Alliance has struggled to maintain membership and at time interest from Community Groups to be apart of.

Does anyone know any of similar models happening elsewhere that has been successful that I could learn from in my efforts to revamp this alliance?



In reply to Stephen Burns

Re: Community Alliance

by Colin Ross -

Hi Stephen,

If you haven't tried this already, may be worth contacting Colette McGarva who co-ordinates the Community Development Alliance Scotland- 

And the Scottish Community Development Network -

They may be able to help put you in touch with others involved in similar work.

Good luck!

In reply to Colin Ross

Re: Community Alliance

by Stephen Burns -

Hi Colin,

Thank you for this reply.

I will into contacting CDAS.
