CLD & Adult Learning Strategy Moray Event

CLD & Adult Learning Strategy Moray Event

by Karen Delaney -
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As you'll be aware the National Adult Learning Strategy is being refreshed and consultations have been held to build the strategy. One consultation will be held in Moray on the 24th February in Moray College UHI at the Alexander Graham Bell conference room.  Participants are welcome from outwith Moray.

 Scottish Government, Education Scotland and the CLD Standards Council would like to invite you to engage in discussions on CLD policy and local delivery. 

 The MORNING session will bring together regional adult learning leaders, practitioners and adult learners to have conversations around the developing Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland. Specifically we will:

  • Inform and invite comment on the key messages from the Adult Learners' survey
  • Generate discussion and gather feedback on the emerging key priorities and recommendations
  • Consider the local context for delivery

·       The outputs of this session will help develop the Adult Learning Strategy.

 The AFTERNOON Session will be aimed at local leaders and decision-makers and will be an opportunity to explore the local and national context for CLD. It will build on the national discussions that took place in January 2020 at the ‘Collaborating for Improvement’ event.

 Please see the following Eventbrite link:

