Transforming Planning – Get involved

Transforming Planning – Get involved

by Lorna Renton -
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The National Planning Framework is a long term plan for Scotland that sets out where development and infrastructure is needed to support sustainable and inclusive growth. The current National Planning Framework (NPF3) was published in 2014.  The NPF3 and also Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) which contains detailed national policy on a number of planning topics are being reviewed.

The Scottish Government want to encourage interest and wide public involvement in the preparation of the next National Framework and want to engage with the public, community, voluntary and private sectors, as well as academics, experts and professional bodies and reach beyond the people and organisations normally involved in planning consultations.

There is a Programme for Engagement with events across Scotland, offering general drop in sessions, where you can go along to speak to the NPF team as well as facilitated workshops where you can discuss key issues with other stakeholders. There is also a Call for ideas which is open till the end of March.

View programme of events here -

A workshop session was held with the Scottish Youth Parliament late last year – you can see the blog about it here -