Using i-develop

Using i-develop

by Ruth Martin -
Number of replies: 1

I want to make better use of i-develop but need more information to get the best out of it - a few things I'm trying to do -

Rename I group that I'm admin for

Leave a group that is no longer relevant for me

Create a new group

Can people only be added to a group if they have already signed up to idevelop

Thank you and apologies for asking fairly basic questions, but can't find a help tool to answer these for me.



In reply to Ruth Martin

Re: Using i-develop

by Lorna Renton -

Hi Ruth

As an admin on a group you have access to the "Managing your space" area which might help answer some of your questions.   You can get to this by rolling over the "My Group spaces" in the top navigation bar and the list should appear.

To leave a group you should see an "Unenrol me from groupname" option in the right hand column when you are on the group.  

To request a new group you need to contact us to request.  I assume you were added as an admin by a colleague or it was several years ago as we would have sent you info on requesting help.

Group spaces can be set to be open to any without login, or restricted or partial - it depends what you want to do in the group.  This is something we clarify when you request the group.

I will be in touch by direct email shortly.

Lorna Renton