EPALE Digital Resources and Community of Practice for Adult Educators

EPALE Digital Resources and Community of Practice for Adult Educators

by Kirsty Gemmell -
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A recording of the ‘Digital Challenges and Opportunities for Community Adult Educators' webinar hosted by EPALE is now available on a new EPALE community of practice created for the continuation of discussion and for sharing ideas and good practice. Copies of each presentation given at the webinar are also available.

To access the resources you will need to click on this link: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/private/digital-challenges-and-opportunities-community-adult-educators and login to your EPALE (Electronic Platform For Adult Learning in Europe) account. If you don’t have an account you can register for free by clicking here.


There are currently over 70,000 registered users from across Europe on the platform as well as lots of useful resources and blogs to read. A series of resource kits, designed to support the work of educators in the field of adult learning has been developed.


Also, EPALE has launched a  ‘EPALE Community Stories initiative’ to help inspire solutions and strategies to enhance e-learning opportunities, online teaching and re-thinking of adult learning provision.