Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Jackie Howie -
Number of replies: 8

Dear all

I received this query about methods of tutoring and assessing maths/numeracy at a distance, can anyone help?

With regards to Maths and Numeracy units/courses delivered in college as part of the community programme, are there any digital methods that you know of where:

  • students working can be recorded and sent to lecturers in real-time e.g. steps involved for solving equations
  • methods for students to complete calculations
  • summative assessing

 We have looked at various options for calculations, but all that seems to work is for students to email completed answers as:

  • a typed document e.g. MicroSoft Word file or
  • a scanned copy of written completed work if access to a printer/scanner or
  • a photograph of written completed work

 This causes lots of issues with file types, resolution, answers the wrong way round etc.

In reply to Jackie Howie

Re: Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Susan Whyte -

Hi Jackie flip grid may be of use as this allows both tutor and learner to record themselves in real time and share the video - I have only had a quick look at it but one of my colleagues created one as an example - this is what her feedback was " I liked the ability to be able to record a video to introduce the topic and that it is discussion based.  Once learners get to grips with recording themselves I think this could be great and needs more exploring.

Learners post using either a user name which we can assign or using their own email- you just need to include the email domain when creating post. You will create a post password for learners to use as guests so they do not need an account. You cannot leave text comments, but people can leave comments through video.  This has potential for assessment purposes."

Will ask my colleague if she can get in contact with you to discuss further. 

In reply to Susan Whyte

Re: Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Jackie Howie -

Many thanks Susan, I'll pass that on, I think we might bring this topic up for discussion at the next Numeracy Network, I'll post details on that now.

Best wishes


In reply to Jackie Howie

Re: Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Avril Morrison -

You can work online with learners on a shared Google Document.   

Google Docs has a maths editor that makes it a lot easier to write fractions etc.  There is more information on how to do that here:



In reply to Avril Morrison

Re: Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Jackie Howie -

Many thanks for this too Avril, I'll pass that on, as I suggested to Susan, I think we might bring this topic up for discussion at the next Numeracy Network, I'll post details on that now.

Best wishes


In reply to Jackie Howie

Re: Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Karen McGowan -

We have been delivering National 5 Maths online using the Learning Management System called Schoology.  Whilst Google Classrooms is really good at allowing you to see in real time what someone is typing there is a cost involved as well as the whole "Google knows too much about me" fear some students have.  Schoology is used by US schools and the free version allows a certain class size, I think it is around 40 students. The layout is similar to facebook so students are usually quite familiar with how to use it.

The tutor publishes the work in a new folder each week and can set it to auto publish at the right time, so she can keep adding to the folder without students seeing any work in progress.  She can set assignments to be released on selected dates/times with deadlines and resubmission limits. Maths formulae are quite easy to write using the Formula Editor tool.  Students login using a code when they sign up which then gives access to their grades when they submit their assignments.

Everything can be completed within the app/webpage and submitted immediately. There is an app as well as the website, the app actually lets you write on the documents with your finger/pen which makes writing maths easier.  If anyone wants further info you can contact the tutor direct Laura.Farrimond@midlothian.gov.uk 

In reply to Karen McGowan

Re: Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Jackie Howie -

Thanks Karen, that's really helpful!

Best wishes,


In reply to Jackie Howie

Re: Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Richard Bryce -

Schoology suspended the ability to register as an instructor on the 19th August due to massive demand. They haven't said when this will reopen.

In reply to Karen McGowan

Re: Tutoring maths/numeracy at a distance - can you help?

by Vicky-Ann McNab -

There is no cost for google classrooms, you just need a gmail address to set one up and as long as the learner is sent a valid link from the tutor who has set up the classroom, they can join. Only those with the link code can see the work, when my learners have completed a module ready for assessment I then 'invite' the verifier to the class as an additional tutor, for them to look at the work done by the learner. Once this is done, they can them be removed again if the learner is uncomfortable about anyone else being in the same classroom. I have individual classrooms for each of my learners so that they can be confident about posting work. 

Teams also has a whiteboard function where both learner and tutor can 'draw' or write, this can be helpful when explaining concepts. Teams sessions can also be recorded - with permissions of course.