Video making resources

Video making resources

by ian Macfadyen -
Number of replies: 2

I wondered if anyone had any knowledge of where to access making resources e.g. animated video clips that are subject specific?  i.e. If I wanted to make a video explaining adult education where could I find small animated clips - or a resource to make them to enable me to put a film together? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

In reply to ian Macfadyen

Re: Video making resources

by Liz Allardice -

Hello Ian

Please see contact for Blair Scott that works in Dundee City Council Youth Work Team who has Media as his focus.

Blair Scott


In reply to Liz Allardice

Re: Video making resources

by ian Macfadyen -

Hi Liz, and thanks for this. I’ve had a look at Blair’s site and it looks good. Have sent Blair an email, thanks again.