Elemental Software

Elemental Software

by Karen Delaney -
Number of replies: 1

Happy New Year colleagues.

Please could anyone who is using this social prescribing software make contact with me to discuss it's value as a tool and any drawbacks?

Thanks for your consideration.

Karen Delaney

Tel 07800 670 692.

In reply to Karen Delaney

Re: Elemental Software

by Andrea McMillan -

Hi Karen

We are involved in social prescribing in Glasgow but are not using Elemental but we have partners who are.  My colleague Irene Cree has suggested that you contact the SPRING Consortium - Regional Manager for Scotland is Claire Cook at clare@schw.co.uk.  This project involving a variety of social prescribers across Scotland & NI uses the Elemental Software.

Best wishes

Andrea McMillan

Programme Oversight Manager

Glasgow Life