Voting Info resources for Refugee Communities - online event

Voting Info resources for Refugee Communities - online event

by Kirsty Gemmell -
Number of replies: 6

Scottish Refugee Council and The Electoral Commission are delighted to be hosting an online event on Thursday 18 February 10:30-11:30am for refugee communities and people who work with refugees in Scotland to launch their new voting information resources. 

The resources have been developed in consultation with refugees and are designed to support and empower newly enfranchised refugee communities to participate in the Scottish Parliament election in May 2021. 

The event is open to people working with refugee communities who wish to support them with participating in the election, as well as anyone with refugee status or leave to remain who will be voting for the first time in Scotland. 

You can register here:


In reply to Kirsty Gemmell

Re: Voting Info resources for Refugee Communities - online event

by Neil Paterson -

Thanks Kirsty - this is much appreciated. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this event and know that many of our learners would need help to register for an online event and might have difficulty following any discussions in English. Is there a link anywhere that I can access voting resources and materials in translation - particularly Arabic - that I can then share with my learners please?

Best wishes


In reply to Neil Paterson

Re: Voting Info resources for Refugee Communities - online event

by Dehra Macdonald -

Hi Neil,

I believe the plan is for the practitioner resources to become available online from next week - to coincide with the launch.

I've been told that the Scottish Refugee Council are also developing a suite of sessions for learners - expected March / April. 

We will share more information as soon as we receive it. 

I hope this helps, Dehra

In reply to Dehra Macdonald

Re: Voting Info resources for Refugee Communities - online event

by Dehra Macdonald -

Hi Neil, I received more information today - 

"The Scottish Refugee Council will be delivering voting information sessions in March and April, and are targeted for refugees to attend. The sessions can be very flexible depending on the needs of different groups, but will cover the basics around voting and will be an opportunity for refugees to ask questions or discuss any concerns they have on voting.

 They can also arrange for an Electoral Register Officer (ERO) to attend to directly support people to register to vote, and they can also arrange for an interpreter to attend if needed. The sessions will take place online and can be held on a number of digital platforms.

 If you would like to book a session for refugees in your areas, please get in touch directly with Hannah Pearson ( from the Scottish Refugee Council. Please also feel free to share the word on this!"


In reply to Dehra Macdonald

Re: Voting Info resources for Refugee Communities - online event

by Neil Paterson -

Thanks for your replies Dehra - they're very useful and helpful.

To be honest I'm going to stop bellyaching about this and organise my diary to join the session - I'm sure I'll learn a lot.

Best wishes


In reply to Neil Paterson

Re: Voting Info resources for Refugee Communities - online event

by Dehra Macdonald -

Hi all, Resources now on the Scottish Refugee Council and Electoral Commission websites. Please share amongst your networks.

Right to vote - Scottish Refugee Council

Welcome to your vote resources | Electoral Commission

Best wishes, Dehra

P.s. Neil, I signed up for all the reasons you outlined in your post :-) 

In reply to Dehra Macdonald

Re: Voting Info resources for Refugee Communities - online event

by Neil Paterson -

That's much appreciated Dehra! No more bellyaching from me for a while! ;)

Best wishes
