Introduction to the STEM Ambassador Programme for CLD Practitioners

Introduction to the STEM Ambassador Programme for CLD Practitioners

by John Galt -
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In January 20201, Education Scotland co-hosted a webinar for CLD practitioners with the STEM Ambassador Programme Coordinators at Glasgow University. Here is a video of the inputs (duration: 38 mins) Introduction to the STEM Ambassador Programme for CLD Practitioners - Zoom

STEM Ambassadors are positive role models who give their time and enthusiasm for free to bring STEM subjects to life and demonstrate their value. They are a fantastic free resource for CLD practitioners to draw on to support STEM-related learning for young people and their families or develop CPD opportunities. It's really easy to register your requests on the STEM Ambassador portal. 

The video and the attached resources take you through the process of finding an Ambassador that meets your needs. They also include a case study from Angela Doyle in West Dunbartonshire of using Ambassadors to support family learning activities; and the contact details for the three Ambassador Programme Coordinator teams in West, East and North Scotland.

There is a great Guide to Working With STEM Ambassadors for Youth and Community Groups 

You can also browse a range STEM Ambassador Spotlights in Scotland to learn more about just some of the people who could ask for support from - West Scotland Spotlights,  East Scotland Spotlights, North Scotland Spotlights.