Supporting whole family mental health and wellbeing

Supporting whole family mental health and wellbeing

by Susan Whyte -
Number of replies: 1

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of any organisations or if their own organisations was doing work in relation to supporting the mental health and well being of the whole family unit.  I have looked online and although organisations support parents and children, this support seems to run in parallel to each other and not together as a unit.  TIA 

In reply to Susan Whyte

Re: Supporting whole family mental health and wellbeing

by catherine hadshar -

HI Susan - Edinburgh has a super programme for parents 'Raising Children with Confidence' and it ties in closely with a whole school programme (pupils and all staff)  so there is shared language eg focus on 'resilience'.

The only programme I'm aware of with parents and children at the same sessions, is a P7 transition one called Living with Parents, with fun joint activities on communication and trust etc